You care deeply about your loved ones and want to do something to let them know? Listen to your loved ones, really listen. But you have to be able to hear in order to really listen. Research demonstrates one out of three adults between 65 and 74 is coping with hearing loss and millions would […]
You’re supposed to wear your hearing aids daily. But before you recycle your milk containers, you’re supposed to rinse them out too. Sometimes, we don’t do the things we’re supposed to. The same goes for hearing aids. Occasionally we forget to bring them with us. Perhaps you even go a day, or a week, or […]
The human body is a wonderful, beautiful, perplexing, confounding piece of work, isn’t it? The human body typically has no difficulty mending cuts, scratches, or broken bones (with a little time, your body can repair the huge bones in your arms and legs). But when it comes to repairing the tiny little hairs in your […]
If you have hearing aids, you should be capable of hearing, right? When they aren’t working properly, it can be extremely frustrating, it’s a real “You had ONE job” scenario. The good news is, with regular upkeep, your hearing aids should be up to the job. Go over this list before you do anything hasty. […]
With chronic tinnitus, it isn’t the ringing in your ears that’s the real problem. The real issue is that the ringing won’t stop. Initially, this might be a moderate noise that’s not much more than a bit annoying. But the ringing can become frustrating and even debilitating if it continues for days or months or […]
Researchers at the famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) may have cracked the code on one of hearing’s most mystifying mysteries, and the insight could result in the overhauling of the design of future hearing aids. Findings from an MIT study debunked the belief that neural processing is what lets us pick out voices. Isolating […]
Technology is evolving into stronger, smarter, and smaller devices. Taking up less space while doing more is the overall trend. This is also true for hearing aids, and it’s not surprising. The world’s population is aging and hearing issues, though they can have many different causes, are more common amongst older individuals. According to the […]
The phrase “Music to my ears” could soon have a very different meaning to people dealing with hearing impairment. Exposing children to music can have a beneficial effect on hearing as is highlighted by a joint study conducted by the University College London and the University of Helsinki. Gauging Speech-in-Noise Performance Researchers looked at 43 […]
The air filled with the sweet smells of cinnamon and nutmeg. Brightly colored lights of red, blue, and green fill your house with a joyful spirit. You enjoy catching up with your family as your grandchildren sing, dance and play. The holidays are lively, and you don’t want to miss a thing. You’re so excited, […]
The holidays are upon us, and large family gatherings and meals in crowded restaurants can be especially difficult for people with hearing loss. Not only do multiple people tend to talk at the same time in these settings, but they also raise their voices to be heard over one another. It becomes even more difficult […]