There are other symptoms of a cold that are less common than the well known runny nose. One kind of cold you don’t frequently hear about is the one that goes into one or both ears. While you might generally consider colds as harmless, here’s why this ear-related cold symptom should never be ignored. What […]
After months (maybe even years) of waiting, you’ve finally resolved to contact us to see if you should get hearing aids. You’ve been resisting this like so many others. But the difficulty of going through life without being able to hear has finally become too much. So it’s a little discouraging when you’re at the […]
Believe it or not, it’s been over 10 years since most people have had a hearing test. One of those people is Harper. She schedules a cleaning and checkup with her dentist every six months and she reports dutifully for her yearly medical examination. She even changes her timing belt every 6000 miles. But her […]
You know that it can be a challenge to get your partner’s attention if they have neglected hearing loss. First, you try to use their name. “Greg”, you say, but you used a normal, inside volume level, so you get no reply. You try increasing your volume and saying Greg’s name again but he still […]
There are many well recognized causes of hearing loss, but few people realize the dangers that some chemicals pose to their hearing. While there are several groups of people at risk, people in industries such as textiles, petroleum, automotive, plastics, and metal fabrication have greater exposure. Knowing what these hazardous chemicals are and what precautions […]
Music is an important part of Aiden’s life. He listens to Spotify while at work, switches to Pandora while jogging, and he has a playlist for everything: cardio, cooking, gaming, you name it. His headphones are just about always on, his life a completely soundtracked affair. But permanent hearing damage may be happening due to […]
You first notice the sound when you’re in bed trying to sleep: Your ear has a whooshing or pulsating in it. The sound is rhythmic and tuned in to your heartbeat. And once you notice that sound, you can’t tune it out. It keeps you awake, which is not good because you need your sleep […]
Let’s imagine you go to a rock concert. You’re awesome, so you spend all night up front. It’s not exactly hearing-healthy, but it’s fun, and the next day, you wake up with two ringing ears. (That part’s less fun.) But what if you awaken and can only hear out of one ear? Well, if that’s […]
Congratulations! You’ve just become the proud owner of hearing aids – an incredible piece of modern technology. But, just like with all new devices, there are things that hearing aid wearers wish somebody had told them. Let’s go over nine common mistakes new hearing aid wearers make and how you can steer clear of them. […]
Are you experiencing ringing in your ears that’s driving you crazy? Discover whether your tinnitus is inherited or what the cause may be. Tinnitus, what exactly is it? Tinnitus is the name referring to a person’s perception of a ringing, droning, or buzzing in the ear with no external noises present to explain this sensation. […]