New cures are constantly being discovered. That may be a positive or a negative. For example, you might look at encouraging new research in the area of curing hearing loss and you decide you don’t really need to be all that cautious. You’ll feel like they will likely have a cure for deafness by the […]
Have you resisted the calls from friends, family, and co-workers to finally invest in a hearing aid? Do you think that right now you really don’t need a hearing aid or that you’re not missing enough to justify purchasing one? Even if you feel like you’re doing ok right now, your hearing loss could get […]
If you’re subjected to a lot of loud sound and don’t wear ear protection, you might experience hearing loss later in life. Hearing loss may be in your future, for example, if you work on a loud factory floor without hearing protection. These are fairly common and well recognized causes of hearing loss. But there’s […]
Coping with hearing loss can be a difficult adjustment for you and your family members. Sometimes, it can even be dangerous. What happens if a smoke detector is sounding or somebody is yelling out your name but you can’t hear them? Car noises can warn you about dangers ahead, but if you have untreated hearing […]
Hearing loss can seriously impact the way you live, even when it’s minor. There will be a significant change in the way you communicate with family, friends, and coworkers. Everyday tasks like going to the grocery store can become more challenging. But it doesn’t have to have this kind of negative impact on you. On […]
Want to take all the joy out of your next family get-together? Start to talk about dementia. Dementia isn’t a subject most people are intentionally seeking to discuss, mostly because it’s rather scary. A degenerative cognitive disease in which you slowly (or, more frighteningly, quickly) lose your cognitive faculties, dementia causes you to lose touch […]
You’re starving so you go to your fridge for a little bite to eat. Will it be something salty… maybe some crackers? Oooo, chips! Wait. Maybe this leftover piece of cheesecake. Maybe you should just go with a banana on second thought. Of course, a banana is a much better health choice. Everything is interconnected […]
No two instances of hearing loss are identical You should not expect your experience with hearing impairment to be exactly the same as somebody else who may have the same hearing loss condition. No two instances of hearing loss are precisely the same. While it might be beneficial to learn about someone else’s experience with […]
Gatherings. So many family gatherings. It probably feels like you’re meeting or reuniting with every relative you have, every weekend, during the holidays. The holiday season can be enjoyable (and also difficult) for this reason. Typically, this type of yearly catching up is something that’s pleasing to anticipate. You get to reunite with everyone and […]
You arrive at your company’s annual holiday party and you’re immediately bombarded by noise. The din of shouted conversations, the clanging of glasses, and the pulsating beat of music are all mixing in your ears. You’re not enjoying it at all. You can’t hear anything in this loud setting. The punch lines of jokes are […]